
Friday, 1 July 2011

Remodel Your Kitchen - Replace Your Kitchen Cabinets

If your cabinets look outdated or have nicks and scratches that you just can't mend any more, maybe it's time to replace your kitchen cabinets. Not only will you give your kitchen a makeover, but you will increase the value of your home tremendously. Start by removing the old cabinets and repairing any holes there may be in the walls. Unless you plan to put some of the cabinets in your workshop or laundry room, don't worry about breaking off boards or ruining them. When you have the old cabinets out, then you can see what the comprehensive floor is like. This is the time to replace the flooring as well, if you can furnish for it in your budget.

Locate the highest point on the floor to use as a base when installing the new cabinets. You can shim all the rest of the cabinets to match this height. Check the floor to make sure that it doesn't slope in whether direction. If it does, you may have to do some mend on this to make it all level. When you find the highest point on the floor, measure 34 inches up the wall and place a mark at this point. The top of each of the lowest cabinets will have to be flush with this line.

Replacement Kitchen Doors

Now measure 84 inches up the wall from this highest point as well. This will conclude the height of your top; cabinets. Depending on the height of the ceiling, the cabinets may in effect touch the ceiling or you may have a space in between. Use the mark you made at the 84-inch point band measure down 30 inches. Draw a level line on the wall at this point. This will be where the lowest of the top cabinets will be.

Draw a floor plan of the layout of the cabinets marking the placement of the appliances. When you start building new cabinets, start in a corner and mark the placement of the first cabinet. Use a stud sensor to find the studs in the wall so that you nail them to something solid.

Remodel Your Kitchen - Replace Your Kitchen Cabinets

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